
Add your Teamfight Tactics account

This article explains how to add your Teamfight Tactics game account to your Challengermode account
Автор Mikael
Обновлено 2 года назад

To participate in Teamfight Tactics tournaments, you need to connect your Game account to your Challengermode account.

You do this by going to the overview page for Teamfight Tactics.

Add Game Account

When you've been redirected to this page, you should be able to locate a button that says

Click the Add Game Account button to start the process of connecting your Teamfight Tactics game account.

Find your account

Enter the name of your summoner and the region on which the summoner is registered to.

After filling out all the information correctly, click Find.
If the Summoner exists, it will appear as on the image below.

You can then decide to either add the summoner with or without Verification.

After deciding on whether to add your account with or without Verification, you can go ahead and click Add without verification or Verify depending on your decision.

! Note: You can always verify your summoner later when it suits you, do this by clicking the cogwheel icon next to your Summoner name, located on the Teamfight Tactics overview page.

After clicking the Edit Game Account button you will be able to verify your summoner by clicking the Verify button.

Game account added

If you are successful in adding your game account, you will get a notification in the upper right corner.

You will also be able to see the name of the connected game account located under the game title on both the Overview and the Tournaments pages.

Running into other issues, or do you have additional questions? Feel free to chat with us by clicking (?) on Challengermode.

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