What happens to someone who is caught cheating?

Cheaters and their game accounts are permanently suspended from Challengermode.
Written by Mikael
Updated 10 months ago

Cheaters who are caught are permanently suspended from Challengermode immediately. All connected Game Accounts are also banned from further use on Challengermode.  

Any player who has been playing in the same team as a cheater will receive a temporary suspension of 3 months. If the behavior is repeated - it will result in a permanent suspension from the platform

At Challengermode, cheating is not only against our rules of fair play. It’s considered fraudulent behavior and a crime since money is involved. Cheaters may be reported to the proper national authorities and fined.

At a minimum, any money still left on the accounts of banned cheaters will be donated to free prize pools or used to further develop the games and features on Challengermode.

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