Valorant Veto

Veto order and settings for Valorant veto
Written by Mikael Lidstrom
Updated 1 year ago

The setup

To activate the veto function - toggle "Use Veto". This option can be found in the "Game Settings" section of the tournament settings.

Select the map pool from all available maps. These maps selected here will be the maps players vote on during the veto. An odd number of maps needs to be selected.

🧡 We recommend using the official competitive 7 map pool determined by Riot for 2022 (= default map pool on Challengermode).

Side veto

Let teams pick the starting sides for each map as part of the veto process. The team that didn't pick the map gets to pick starting side directly after each map is decided.

Coin toss

Toss a coin at the beginning of the game. The winner of the coin toss decides which team votes first in the veto process, i.e. becomes team A in the illustration below. If coin toss is not enabled, the team with the higher seed will be team A.

The veto order

Below follows an illustration of the veto process with 7 maps when side veto is used as recommended in Riot's ruleset.

Best of 1 Best of 3 Best of 5
Team A bans map Team A bans map Team A bans map
Team B bans map Team B bans map Team B bans map
Team A bans map Team A picks map Team A picks map
Team B bans map Team B picks side Team B picks side
Team A bans map Team B picks map Team B picks map
Team B bans map Team A picks side Team A picks side
The last map is picked Team A bans map Team A picks map
Team A picks side Team B bans map Team B picks side
Last map is picked for Game 3 Team B picks map
Team A picks side Team A picks side
Last map is picked for Game 5

Without side selection, the map veto order will remain the same.

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