How to play 1v1 Matchmaking

Learn how to play head-to-head Matchmaking on Challengermode.
Written by Mikael Lidstrom
Updated 1 year ago

A Matchmaking game on Challengermode is a head-to-head match. It’s player vs. player or team vs. team. Matchmaking is free-to-play.

How to join the Matchmaking Solo Queue

Click on the Matchmaking tab located in each Game Overview page. Matchmaking is currently available for League of Legends, Counter-Strike: 2 and Lichess.

By joining the Solo Queue, you will get matched up with anyone else who is also queuing at the same time.

Depending on the time of day, it can take anywhere from a few seconds to 30 minutes (sometimes more) to find a match.

You must accept the Challenge within 2 minutes. By clicking Accept you will start the game and enter the on-site lobby.

In the Matchmaking Lobby you will be given 10 minutes to enter the League of Legends client and join the League of Legends lobby with the Tournament Code.

Running into other issues, or do you have additional questions? Feel free to chat with us by clicking (?) on Challengermode.

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