Deposit money to your Challengermode Account

Do you want to deposit money to your Challengermode Wallet? We'll explain how!
Written by Mikael
Updated 8 months ago

All your funds on Challengermode are located in your Challengermode Wallet, you can find your wallet under your Personal Settings.

To begin the deposit process, open up your Challengermode Wallet and select the option to Deposit.

Choose Amount

Choose the amount of funds you would like to deposit to your Challengermode Wallet from your credit card or PayPal.

❗️ Note: The minimum amount you can deposit is €5.

❗️ Note: If you would like to deposit a greater sum than the default, please contact our Customer Support and they will assist you.

Personal Info

Your personal information is required to perform the transaction, fill out all the required fields to continue to the next step.

❗️ Note: You must enter and verify a phone number at the bottom of this screen.

Make sure you enter the correct country code - then enter your phone number. Click Verify and you should receive a code shortly.
We value your safety, you can learn more about how we store your payment details here.

Payment Method

To deposit funds to your Challengermode Wallet you can either use your credit card or a PayPal account.

❗️ Note: You can only have one payment method connected for either withdrawals or deposits at any given time. To remove or change your payment method, please contact Customer Support.

Deposit funds with a Credit Card

If you chose to deposit your funds from a Credit Card, this window will appear.
Continue by entering your credit card number, expiry date and CVV.

Complete the process by entering your Challengermode password and click the Continue button.

❗️ Note: The transaction from your credit card account will be done securely via You can read more about here.

Deposit funds with PayPal

An external window will open that lets you log into your PayPal account. You then continue by verifying and connecting your PayPal account.

 To finish the transaction, enter your Challengermode password.

After that, your money will be added directly to your Challengermode account.

Running into other issues, or do you have additional questions? Feel free to chat with us by clicking (?) on Challengermode.


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