
Add your PUBG Mobile Account

Connect your PUBG Mobile account to start playing!
Escrito por Mikael
Atualizado 2 anos atrás

If you've followed the steps in the Add A Game Account article, the window below will have appeared.

Add your PUBG Mobile Account

You will be requested to enter your PUBG Mobile In-game name and your In-game account ID.

You will find your In-game name and In-game account id in the top left corner of the home screen after starting the game on your phone.

Account linked successfully!

After entering your PUBG Mobile details and clicking next, you should have been successful in adding your PUBG Mobile Account to Challengermode!

If it fails for any reason, try starting from the beginning and follow this guide step-by-step again, you might have entered a letter or number incorrectly!

Running into other issues, or do you have additional questions? Feel free to chat with us by clicking (?) on Challengermode.

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