
Unable to connect my PayPal Account

I can't make a payment/withdrawal (set up a Billing Agreement). What's wrong?
Escrito por Mikael
Atualizado 2 anos atrás

Make sure we can send/receive money to your Country

If you've received this error message from PayPal:

“Sorry, we weren’t able to set up a billing agreement for future payments at this time. Please return to the merchant and choose another way to pay.”


It's most likely a PayPal-related issue and you should contact PayPal directly

Due to PayPal policy, it's not possible for Challengermode to send money to you (and for you to withdraw) if you live/are using PayPal in any of the following countries:

  • Albania
  • Armenia 
  • Belarus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine
  • Russia
  • And some others

If this is the case you will not be able to withdraw with PayPal, contact PayPal Support.

❗️ Note: PayPal adjust the availability of their services for different countries depending on their current state. Your country might be affected without being in the list above. Please contact PayPal support if you receive the earlier-mentioned error message whilst trying to transfer money between Challengermode and PayPal.

Make sure you have a valid funding source (credit card or enough money)

Another message you can get from PayPal is:

"We can't set up your future payments with Challengermode AB. They don't take payments through an international payment method in your PayPal account or a payment method whose origin PayPal can't identify."

This is likely because PayPal requires you to have a credit or debit card connected to your account, and doesn't accept payments to/from your PayPal Wallet. If you have a card, connect it to your PayPal Account and try again.

Alternatively, you can also send €25 to your PayPal account first to show PayPal you have a valid funding source (send it from a friend or via a bank account, and then attempt the transaction from Challengermode again.)

If neither of the above examples is to any help, please contact PayPal support directly and explain that you want to pay/receive money to your wallet instead of an alternate payment method.

 You can find help regarding PayPal here


One payment method at a time!

If you have a Credit Card or Bank Transfer connected to Challengermode, you will not be able to connect a PayPal account until you remove the other payment methods - you are only able to have one payment method connected for withdrawals or deposits at any given time.

Running into other issues, or do you have additional questions? Feel free to chat with us by clicking (?) on Challengermode.

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