

An introduction to Spaces
Escrito por Mikael
Atualizado 2 anos atrás

Have you always wanted a place where you can organize massive tournaments and leagues, gather your friends, your followers, your teammates, or just hang out and play games with other fans of that particular team?

If any or all of the above applies to you - Spaces are what you are looking for.

Join a Space

There are plenty of Spaces to join on Challengermode. Organizations and teams of all sizes have their own Spaces where they host their own Tournaments and Leagues, but it is also a place where you can become a part of the community surrounding that particular organization or team.

Where you can discuss and meet fellow fans and make new friends.

You can browse through all the available Spaces by clicking the Spaces button located in the header on Challengermode.

Create your own space

If you are more keen on starting your own Community, Spaces are a great tool for you.

You can create your own Space which others can then sign up or subscribe to.

In your own Space, you create the content, the tournaments, and the discussion forums.

Create your own Space by clicking the Create button in the Spaces menu.

Continue reading...

You can find more articles below that explain specific features of Spaces in greater detail.



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