
On-Demand Tournaments

What if you want to play right now, but the next tournament starts in two hours? Look no further!
Автор Mikael
Обновлено 1 год назад

Missed to secure your spot in a tournament? Don’t want to wait until the next tournament starts? Then on-demand tournaments are exactly what you need!

Join your favorite mode and start playing right now!

TLDR; On-demand t ournaments match you with other people who want to play a tournament right now! Once matched, a tournament will be created and started automatically.

What are On-Demand Tournaments?

On-demand tournaments are tournaments that are created and run autonomously by the system. They work very similarly to regular tournaments with the main difference being that they start as soon as enough players are ready, as opposed to starting at a scheduled time set by the tournament organizer. 

Players that want to play a tournament right now, and sign up via the On-Demand Tournament system, are matched together into small brackets.
As soon as enough players have joined, a tournament is created which then starts immediately.

Play the tournament like you would with any regular tournament and show everyone who’s the superior strategist - at a time that suits you!

How do I join?

  1. Head to the tournaments menu within the multiplayer screen in Polytopia.
  2. Navigate to “on-demand” tournaments.
  3. Pick your favorite mode from the list of available ones and join the queue.
  4. As soon as enough players have joined, you’ll be prompted to accept the match.
  5. Once all players have accepted, a tournament will be created automatically.
  6. If one or more players do not accept the match, you will be put right back into the queue to find a new match.
  7. The tournament will start immediately so be prepared.
  8. Play! And most importantly, have a great time.

Running into other issues, or do you have additional questions? Feel free to chat with us by clicking (?) on Challengermode.

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