
Where do I receive the PUBG Server Information?

Where and when can I find the information I need in order to join the PUBG Server?
Автор Mikael
Обновлено 2 года назад

If you want to come well prepared for a PUBG tournament and don't know where to find the lobby name/password - this is the article for you.

We will step-by-step go through the process of joining the in-game lobby after the tournament has started.

Go To Game

Once your tournament has started you will receive an on-site lobby which will consist of you and all your opponents. You are able to access it by clicking on the Go To Game button on the tournament overview! 

Waiting for PUBG in-game lobby to be created

When you have joined the on-site lobby, you will be marked as Ready. Once everyone has been marked as Ready or if an Admin starts the game, you will see the text Creating PUBG lobby. This means the PUBG Operator is currently setting up the in-game lobby. This might take a few minutes. 


A Play button will appear as soon as the in-game lobby has been created. Click on the Play button to receive all the information you need to join the in-game lobby! 

In-game lobby information

A window will then appear containing the information below.

To find the server, go to the lobby browser in PUBG and search for a word in the Lobby Name to filter out lobbies that don't match.


This is the Squad you are supposed to join when you have entered the PUBG Server. 

Lobby Name

The name of the PUBG Lobby in Custom Matches in PUBG.

Lobby Password

The Password to join the PUBG Server (Remember to NOT share this with anyone)

By clicking Copy Password you will be able to paste it directly into the Password section when trying to join the in-game lobby in PUBG.

If you don't know how to join a PUBG Custom Game, please click on "How do I join a PUBG game?" in the Server Information Bar.

Running into other issues, or do you have additional questions? Feel free to chat with us by clicking (?) on Challengermode.

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