FAQ - Mobile App

Answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding our mobile app.
Written by Mikael
Updated 3 months ago

📲 Where can I get the app?

The Challengermode app is available for both iOS and Android.




🐛 I found a bug, where can I report it?

No one likes bugs. Please tell us about it in the mobile app #bugs channel on our Discord so that we can call the exterminators.


🔔 Do I have to enable push notifications?

Push notifications are optional but they help you stay on top of your game. If you turn them on, we'll make sure you never miss a DM from your teammates, the check-in to secure your spot in a tournament, or the end of the ladder you just won.

⚙️ Can I create and manage tournaments in the app?

The app currently does not support any organizer features. It has been designed with a "players first"-mindset in order to ensure the best possible experience for our largest group of users.

Running into other issues, or do you have additional questions? Feel free to chat with us by clicking (?) on Challengermode or send an email to support@challengermode.com.

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