FAQ - Mobile App

Answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding our mobile app.
Written by Mikael Lidstrom
Updated 11 months ago

📲 Where can I get the app?

The Challengermode app is available for both iOS and Android.




🐛 I found a bug, where can I report it?

No one likes bugs. Please tell us about it in the mobile app #bugs channel on our Discord so that we can call the exterminators.


🔔 Do I have to enable push notifications?

Push notifications are optional but they help you stay on top of your game. If you turn them on, we'll make sure you never miss a DM from your teammates, the check-in to secure your spot in a tournament, or the end of the ladder you just won.

⚙️ Can I create and manage tournaments in the app?

The app currently does not support any organizer features. It has been designed with a "players first"-mindset in order to ensure the best possible experience for our largest group of users.


💰 Where can I find my wallet?

While we're aiming to launch wallet support in the near future, you currently have to use challengermode.com on the web to check your balance or deposit/withdraw money.


🔄 Can I subscribe to a Space using the app?

While we're aiming to add full support for subscriptions in the near future, you currently have to use challengermode.com on the web to subscribe to a Space. Once subscribed, you'll be able to participate in all the Space's premium content within the app.


🎮 Can I play in subscriber-only content?

Yes! As long as you have an active subscription, you can fully participate in subscriber-only content.

Running into other issues, or do you have additional questions? Feel free to chat with us by clicking (?) on Challengermode or send an email to support@challengermode.com.

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