
Buying a coaching session

This article explains the process of finding a suiting coach in the marketplace and buying the coach's services
Escrito por Mikael Lidstrom
Atualizado 2 anos atrás

Buying services from a coach is a great way to hone your skills and improve faster.

To find a suiting coach or caster for whichever needs you might have, you should go to the Challengermode Marketplace!

Buying a coaching session

When you find a Coach that seems just right for you, click the Post in the Marketplace Browse overview - this will redirect you to a more detailed page of the post.

This page contains all the details about the Post and the service provided. If you're still interested you continue your purchase by selecting the offering that you feel suits your needs the most from the list on the right side.

After selecting an offering, click Buy to purchase the service.

A new window will then appear in which you need to confirm the purchase, this section contains all the details regarding your payment method, the prize and a summary of the service you are buying.

Complete Purchase

You are currently only able to pay for services on the marketplace with funds from your Challengermode Wallet, if you don't have enough money in your Challengermodwe Wallet you will find a Deposit button in the Payment method section, click this button to add enough money to your Challengermode Wallet to pay for the services.

To continue with the purchase, click Buy in the bottom right of the window.

As soon as you have bought the service you will be redirected to a private room with the coach, on this page you are able to discuss the details of your coaching session.

You can tell the coach what you want to improve or what parts of your gameplay you want to work with, and discuss what the two of you want to get out of the session before you start.

If any issues occur during your session, you can report the occurring issue by clicking the Report An Issue button - fill out the form regarding what the issue is about.

Challengermode staff will review the report within the 24 hours, depending on if the reason for the report is valid the report will either be discarded or validated.


If your report is valid, you will be refunded the money you paid for the coaching session.

If the report is discarded the session will be continued as usual.

After the session is finished and the coach has Completed the session, a Review button will appear where the Report an Issue button was located earlier.

Click this button to review the coach and the session you just had, this review will then be visible for other potential buyers and can give them an indication of the coach's services and quality.

Running into issues or got any additional questions? Feel free to chat with us by clicking (?) on Challengermode.


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