Are you here to compete in tournaments and events? Let us help you get started!Tournaments
Player result reporting
This article explains how to report the results in a tournament that relies on players to report the results!
Substitutes and lineup changes
Learn how to change the team lineup with substitutes or stand-ins during a tournament.
Why am I not playing in the tournament I just joined?
I joined a tournament before it started but I wasn't seeded and I can't find my team in the bracket - what happened?
Learn what in-game ladders are and how to play in one.
What is an in-game ladder?
Learn what in-game ladders are and how to play in one.
How does the scoring work?
How the points system works for Ladders
Additional articles
How to play 1v1 Matchmaking
Learn how to play head-to-head Matchmaking on Challengermode.